Saturday, 29 September 2012

A Modern Classic: Stardust

So last night I decided to kick back and watch an old favourite of mine; Stardust. It's actually not that old I guess, but it has a slightly timeless quality.

Well, how best to describe it? First of all it's based on a Neil Gaiman story, who, if you didn't already know, is an especially famous and well loved author. His stories are typically in the genres of fantasy or science fiction, and  personally I have a huge appreciation for his works. And so this story is essentially a classic tale of an under-appreciated, less than handsome boy who leaves humble beginnings to lead an epic adventure across vast and unimaginable landscapes to save the ever beautiful damsel in distress. Throw in a healthy dose of witchcraft and wizardry, along with a few extra companions to provide some comic relief, and you're on for a winner!

Perhaps I sound sarcastic or like I'm intending to point out the cliche, but I'm actually not. Stardust is one of the movies where you just forget yourself, you give over to the mythos and enjoy its cute little quirks and variances.

Honestly, there's little else I can really say. Yes, it's a simple film but it's heart warming, it romances you into disbelief.

And it goes without saying that the performances of its all star cast are excellent. I was particularly impressed with Claire Danes, I felt she could brilliantly convey the absolute myriad of emotions the role demanded of her

Overall, a very enjoyable movie, and one I recommend whole heartedly to all my readers.

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